Saturday, June 28, 2008

Simple Ways to Deal With Stress

It is well known that all of us are affected by stressful situations in our life. But while some are able to look objectively at the situation and take it easy, most of us get easily ruffled and start reacting negatively to it. Improper management of stress is what leads to tension and the consequent onset of several health problems later in our lives.

It might take several years for the ill-effects of this tension to show up, but when it does, it usually blows out of all proportion and results in some or the other serious illness, possibly even endangering life itself! Sadly, we begin to realize our mistake too late - only after our health has taken that steep nose-dive. But do you know there is actually a very easy way to grow out of your miseries and start living a happy, healthy life?

It is the most natural thing for us, as human beings, to be happy and cheerful. Unfortunately, though, most of us get so caught up in everyday troubles that we hardly take the trouble to recognize that fount of happiness within us. Here are some ways we can get back to living that happy, peaceful life we richly deserve to live:
  1. Stop taking life so seriously. Instead, learn to enjoy your journey in this lifetime. Life is filled with numerous experiences, some bitter, some sweet. Learn to take things in your stride and treat each day as a lesson in the class of life, as an opportunity to learn and grow more. Remember, you only live once, so learn to have fun!
  2. Learn to eat right. Certain types of food give rise to certain reactions in our body. While eating a balanced diet including all kinds of food can pep you up almost instantly, the wrong kind of food can prove to be counter-productive for you. Cut down salty, sugary and fried foods. Also reduce caffeine intake. Consume your food slowly, chewing each bite well before taking it in. Setting right the digestive system will set your energy clock ticking away happily!
  3. Keep active - that alone is enough to dust away the layers of negativity and depression you probably have been accumulating for years now! Hit the gym, go cycling, swimming or just take a brisk walk. You will be surprised at how soon you start feeling much better. You do not need to pump iron all day to feel good about yourself. Moderate exercise is more than enough to work its magic on you!
  4. Get adequate sleep each night. Sleeplessness leads to many health problems, some of which can get alarmingly serious later on. A good night's sleep heals like nothing else can! If you just cannot manage to get good enough sleep, do visit your healthcare professional and take his advice on the further course of action to be taken.
  5. Have some faith in God and develop a spiritual outlook in life. If He puts you through it, He will also see you through it. Nothing is permanent, and that includes problems - they are bound to leave you someday soon!

Stress is a common factor with all of us. Our happiness quotient depends on how well we handle those worries and cares. Follow the above steps and you will soon see how easy it is to lead a healthy, happy life!

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